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Enviromental Care

Construction  Phase Impacts



  • Generation of local labor. At this stage, a maximum generation of 150 direct jobs is estimated, of which for civil works, the hiring of local personnel, both from the province and from nearby towns, will be a priority. Generation of indirect jobs (food, accommodation, services)



  • Minimum potential impact on the community due to transportation of components

  • Removal of vegetation cover will minimize the areas to be cleared and an environmental restoration plan will be implemented at the end of the work.

  • The vegetation is composed mainly of shrub-like trees of small size and shrubs, with a predominance of grass species from the steppe.

  • The diversity of the flora is low and no protected species of flora have been identified.

  • Regarding the fauna in the area, it has low indexes of biodiversity and abundance. As for birds, diversity and abundance seems low. During the work, flora and fauna management plans will be implemented, hunting is prohibited, flora will be removed, and internal circulation speeds will be regulated to minimize the likelihood of run-over of native fauna.

  • Archaeological studies conducted in the area have found minor archaeological evidence, usually small prehistoric artifacts such as angular rocks (Angular flakes) used as tools.

  • Paleontological studies did not find fossils and the geology of the area indicates that there is a low probability of finding paleontological remains.

Operation Phase Impacts


  • Generation of local labor Generation of indirect jobs (food, accommodation, services) Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Saving 400 trillion grams of greenhouse gases equivalent in carbon.

  • Local production of energy from renewable sources of almost 450 GW to supply up to 120,000 homes. Diversification of the productive activities of the Province. The productive matrix will be diversified by having a wind project and the generation of local knowledge is encouraged.





A modeling of the emission of the wind farm was made, which shows that the communities near the project will not be affected














Shadow Flashing


The modeling performed results in no receptor being affected and the effect is not perceived in nearby communities.  


















Impact on the landscape and visuals


A specific study of visuals and effects on the landscape was made, concluding that the project does not generate additional impacts to the existing landscape.

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